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Why Customers Ranked Us the 2020 KLAS Category Leader in Patient Privacy Monitoring

For the second straight year, a survey of our national customers has ranked Protenus as the 2020 KLAS Category Leader in Patient Privacy Monitoring, an honor that humbles and inspires us. As the leader of the Protenus Customer Experience Division, which includes Project Management, Professional Services, and Customer Success and Support, this news delights me. Not only is our patient privacy monitoring platform the best in the industry, but so is our team, whose success reflects that of our customers as they strive to transform healthcare compliance.  

Our overall KLAS score of 95.8 is based on having earned straight A’s in all six KLAS pillars (i.e., Culture, Loyalty, Operations, Product, Relationship, and Value), the evaluation categories KLAS uses to rank the solutions. Here are a few aspects of our customer experience that make us an exceptional partner, one that organizations say they love working with our team of thoughtful, innovative, and passionate problem-solvers.

Patient Privacy Monitoring

We meet customers where they are - and go farther

To ensure a smooth implementation, our Customer Experience team members work with customers to understand their specific technical and security needs, their implementation expectations, and available resources. We want to ensure that the platform we install and implement is well aligned to the business outcomes that matter the most to each customer. From the beginning of our partnership, we make a point of listening to our customers, not only to implement the Protenus platform, but to be proactive in meeting emerging and evolving challenges. We use customer feedback to improve our services, enhance our product, and offer new features that often reflect customer ideas. 

We share the same goals

From kick-off meetings and implementation to user groups, advocacy, and leadership opportunities, Protenus customers are our partners with a shared goal of protecting patient privacy and instilling trust. With Protenus, the hospitals and healthcare systems we work with can monitor every access of patient data. We become an extension of the organization’s privacy team, delivering a valuable experience that allows them to focus on their top organizational priorities, knowing Protenus will alert them to threats that need their utmost attention. 

We value our partners

At Protenus, we value people and teams - so we treasure our partnerships with healthcare organizations. Even as the platform leverages artificial intelligence (AI), we always appreciate the human aspect of healthcare compliance. Our team understands business operations and the challenges of the day-to-day responsibilities of the privacy team. This is another reason why our customers are at the forefront of everything we do.

We want customers to know that we are on their team. To that end, each customer has a Protenus Customer Success Manager (CSM) to help them extract the most value from the platform. Technical support is available through an online help desk and the Protenus knowledge base. We offer Professional Services (PS), a team of subject matter experts to identify trends and gaps in privacy compliance programs, improve internal workflows and staff efficiencies, and assist with case triage and investigation practices. Many of our team members  have worked in healthcare compliance and have firsthand knowledge of the challenges currently facing healthcare privacy teams.

People love our PANDAS

We believe that our customer partnerships and our PANDAS (People and Analytics) community are two of the most important aspects of our mission. Through PANDAS we create the opportunity  for our customers to share their successes and best practices with each other to advance our collective mission of protecting patient privacy. Our PANDAS community connects via an online forum, through quarterly webinars, and at our annual PANDAS Live conference in Baltimore. The opportunity to share stories and exchange helpful advice is an important part of how we grow together, and Protenus is proud to facilitate these meetings. 

We like progress

Most of all, we want to help our partners reduce the risk of privacy violations in hospitals and healthcare systems, and increase patient trust. We want to build a community of like-minded contributors to this mission and help tell their stories so that we may progress together. We believe our customers are among the most progressive organizations in healthcare today--serving them is an honor. 

To learn more about why our customers ranked us number one in patient privacy monitoring, please download our KLAS Overview document.

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